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Video Marketing Strategy Guide

Learn everything you need to know to get started with your video marketing strategy using this guide.

Here's what we'll cover...
Online video accounts for the vast majority of consumer internet traffic, a staggering figure that highlights the power of video as a medium to communicate and connect with audiences. There's a substantial capacity for connection and information delivery that cannot be obtained via images or written communication. They have better reach, generate more clicks, and due to continuous drops in production costs, now cost less per lead generated.

It's evident that your business can no longer rely on images and written content to communicate - they're not as engaging and effective on their own. This comprehensive guide delves into the critical pillars of video marketing and discusses how you can implement a successful video marketing strategy to supercharge your content.
chapter one

How to build a video marketing strategy?

It's worth noting that there's a considerable difference between churning out video content and creating content that's been researched and strategically planned. Many marketers fail to realize that video marketing must undergo a multi-step process to be effective. It's not just about views or overall engagement; it's also about what the video content conveys and what actionable qualities it has. 

Therefore, the main structural base of any video marketing strategy is research and planning.

As part of this, you must consider:

The campaign target

What do you want to accomplish with the video?

Understanding your campaign goals will ultimately ease the rest of the video marketing process since you'll have a clear path to follow. You can establish this by considering the marketing funnel stage you'd like to target.

These can be broken down into:

Awareness: Target prospective customers aware of their problem and solutions to resolve the pain point. Your video goal should be to introduce your brand and attract new users.

Interest: These prospective customers have shown interest in finding a solution to their problem. They're researching providers and reviewing services to find the best solution at this stage. Your video will need to convey the benefits of your services and why you're the best on the market. 

Action: After consideration, the prospective customer has found the right solution to their problem and will be looking for a provider.

Retention: Now that they are utilizing your services, you must retain their business and continue to demonstrate that you provide value. Poor customer service or failure to show value can result in loss of business to the competition.

It's vital to take a streamlined approach to this process. Setting too many goals, some of which might be unachievable, can cause an array of issues with staying on target and delivery times.

Establish your target audience

Understanding the target audience enables you to focus and tailor efforts directly at the demographic you want to engage. The danger of not putting enough time in this step is targeting a demographic that isn't suitable for your goal, which will be a wasted effort.

The buyer persona will ultimately depend on the product or message you're driving and what pain points you're solving. This should be established when the product/service is developed, and understanding it will ensure your video is targeted to the right audience.
How you'll deliver your message (story)
Once you know the marketing funnel stage you're targeting and have a solid grasp of your target audience, you need to consider how you'll drive the message to viewers. One of the best qualities of video marketing is that you can convey so much more in a shorter period. So think carefully about how your message can be best delivered while staying engaging and actionable.

Even if your planned video is short, you should have a clear structure for your story that will retain viewers' attention. An easy template to follow is to have answers to the following questions:
Ultimately, all great stories evoke emotion, and you too must consider what you'd like your audience to feel. This is a crucial part of the creation process, as your aim is to connect with your audience and reassure them that you are the answer to their problem.
The project timeframe and cost
Finally, to implement a successful marketing strategy, you need to consider a budget and timeframe.

There's no use creating a plan based on an idea that isn't feasible. What funds can you allocate towards creating a video? How much time can you realistically give?

Understanding these key points will ensure your marketing strategy is adapted to your means and stays on track to succeed. By the time-delayed videos are ready to launch, they might no longer be viable or relevant to the company strategy.
chapter two

What kind of videos can I create?

Now that you have a solid structure behind your video marketing strategy, you can start devising and thinking about the type of video you'd like to create. Carefully consider the goal of your campaign, as different styles of video will suit different purposes. For instance:

Explainer Videos

Run Like Clockwork
These are short, straight-to-the-point instructional videos that can resolve the viewer's problem. It's also a fantastic way to introduce your company, brand, or product services to a new audience.

This is a helpful format to follow:
The secret to great explainer videos is creating engaging material that retains the attention of your viewers. Optimal explainer videos are 1 to 2 minutes long and target the problem efficiently.


Systems Saved Me
One of the best ways to humanize your brand, product, or service, is to create testimonial videos. These can be used to provide the viewer with a first-hand account of how your solution has actual value.

These videos are also effective in employer branding, as prospective employees can get an insight into what working at your company is like. An impressive 82% of consumers have bought a product or service based on a review, highlighting the power and utility of using testimonial videos.

Depending on how many testimonials you're including, the perfect length for viewer retention is 2 minutes.
About Us Video
Princess Cruises
This is your opportunity to tell your audience your company's story. It's a great way to connect and get your audience behind your brand and goals. Consumers are four to six times more likely to purchase from a purpose-driven company

It's also an excellent way to introduce key members in your organization, allowing consumers to get a better understanding of the company structure.
One of the most popular styles, these videos can be used for short, straight-to-the-point introductions of products, services, or new features. Commercials often end with a call to action and will typically only provide an overview.
Product Video
Madison Braids
If you're preparing to launch a new product or service, this type of video is the best way of announcing to your audience and current customer base. Typically, you'll define the product clearly and explain why it's a beneficial addition to your portfolio.

You may also want to use this video style to target customers in the awareness stage of the marketing funnel and explain why you are the best solution over other competitors.
chapter three

How should I approach the video creation process?

Now that you have a solid structure on which to build your video marketing campaign, you can start to think about the production process. We'll break down the different elements you'll need to consider if you want to create good video content that provides value.

Video Styles

There are plenty of video types and styles to choose from. Note that this is different from video type and typically refers to how your video will be made. Perhaps you want to use a minimalist animation to quickly explain a complex product to viewers. You may want to use a mini-doc approach for your company story. 

There's an array of styles you can choose from, and each will add a different quality to your video.
You now know your targets, your audience, the type of video you want to make, and the style. Now comes the fun part - execution. One of the most effective ways to begin is to brainstorm ideas and work on a storyboard and script.

If you're not in the position to create good, quality videos, ensure that you're employing the help of a service that can. That means working with a fantastic video production company, animators, graphic designers, and content writers. Of course, you won't need all of these, but delegating work you can't do yourself is always better than taking a DIY approach that ends up looking unprofessional.

Using our on-demand video production services is also a fantastic way to create high-quality videos without having to worry about the production process.
Creative Research
Doing research will help you know what your video messages need to be about and how to better serve your audience.

Use the following research questions to prepare your video strategy.

Market Research — Share market insights on common trends, your competition and what's working now.

Brand Research — Describe what makes your business stand out and unique — including your vision and mission.

Customer Research — Describe your ideal customer's dreams, problems and where they spend their time online.

Product Research — Share all the products and services your business offers.
Brand Messaging
Crafting a clear message is essential to business growth.

The more clearly you can talk about what you do and how you can help your customers, the more you will win over your customers.Your unique message is your competitive edge and helps you stand out from the other noise online.

And, it will make video scripting much easier. You’ll be confident in how to create all content online, not only video.

You’ll build a profitable connection with customers and they’ll understand why they need to buy your product or service.

To do all this messaging magic, we use Story Supply™ — our signature brand messaging framework that will help you clearly and confidently talk about what you do in a simple yet powerful way. Before you prepare video scripts, update your story supply so your messages will resonate from ads to your product communication plan.
Marketing Plan
With message clarity, you’re ready to build a marketing plan with our marketing framework, Marketing Supply™.

It’s a simple, 3-phase plan to help you build a sales funnel. In this plan you categorize all marketing content and decisions as Traffic, Leads, or Sales.

Video marketing is not only about generating traffic on social media and other platforms, it also applies to the video messages throughout the entire sales funnel to capture leads and make sales.

Think about the journey your customers go on to learn about your brand and buy your products. Each step requires a different type of message.

Brainstorm all the ways your customers experience your brand during each phase of marketing.
Video Planning
Video done right can do a lot to grow your business. And it's the only way your brand can get visible and stand out more than any other type of content. But video will only work when you have a clear plan to guide you.Every plan, begins with the end in mind.

So, what are your business goals over the coming months?

Whether you want to automate your marketing to free up your time for vacation, multiply your audience size, hit a six-figure product launch, or something entirely different... then this business objective becomes your main goal and vision for success!

And since video is an essential part of your marketing plan then you need to set goals for your traffic, leads and sales.
Inspired by your marketing, make a spreadsheet list of video topic ideas to start building your video supply. Each video will be categorized into a marketing phase for traffic, lead or sales related video content.
Video Scripting
Using your video list, write SEO-driven video outlines and scripts.It’s not essential to do word-for-word scripts for every video but you may organize your ideas and talking points to easily film each video.

Download and use our video scripting guide to plan, outline and write your videos scripts.
Video Production
Now it’s time to create your videos!

Complete the following video production checklist before you or your crew hits record.
This quick start checklist is not comprehensive but it will help you focus on the essentials for your video production time. Based on how professional and polished you'd like your videos to look we recommend you work with a video team to do everything for you.

Our team has worked with businesses of all sizes and backgrounds to professionally film videos that help them stand out, profit and grow!

Are you ready to become our next client?

YouTube launch and marketing for Creamarie Ice Cream Co.

Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

$290K+ Online Course Launch


Produced a full-service video marketing and production plan to scale high-demand for content across LMS, social and online platforms.


Leads: 152,383+, Views: 100,000+, 2 Telly Awards

After you film your videos it's time for post-production. But based on your role, you shouldn't have to worry too much about the post-production process.

Post-production includes everything dealing with video editing, motion graphic design, sound effects, call to actions and more. That means you can easily hire a professional and experienced video editor or agency to do all of the work for you. Make sure you get familiar with the post-production process but don't worry about doing yourself.

Explore our marketplace of video production services (like video editing) to help you along every step of the production process.
chapter four

Where should I distribute my videos?

Your video has been through a well-planned creation process and is now ready to be launched. But where exactly should you do that? Unfortunately, you can't put your boots up and let your video do the work just yet. You must distribute your content in the proper channels to reach your audience.

These can be separated into:

Paid Media

You may want to pay for the distribution of your video. This is necessary to ensure your target audience actually sees your content. This can be search ads, paid social media, advertising, sponsorships, and influencer marketing.

Earned Media

This refers to publicity gained through methods other than paid advertising. This can be via product reviews, traditional PR, social media, and influencer marketing. These are all great tools you can use for earned media distribution.
Owned Media
Owned media channels consist of your website, blog, email, and social media pages. Sharing and embedding your video content across all your owned media is one of the best ways to generate traffic and brand awareness.

Note that the right video marketing strategy utilizes all these channels to succeed. You must be flexible and ensure that you're using all the tools at your disposal to get as much reach as possible.
chapter five

How do I measure my video's success?

There are many factors and numbers you need to be aware of to measure the success of your video strategy. Many variables can inflate your views, so these alone aren't enough to gauge whether it's building towards your target. 

Here are some of the most useful metrics to track that’ll give you a solid indication of your video’s success:
All of these figures combined will give you a much better idea of whether you're on track to reach your goal. It doesn't matter if your video goes viral when you're not getting any sign-ups. A video with modest views entirely focused on a target audience can still be effective in generating sales and improving brand awareness.
chapter six

How can video improve SEO?

It's worth noting that video marketing is also a fantastic way to improve your SEO. It will help your company outrank competitors, as Google is more likely to rank video content higher in the search results. 

An impressive 86% of marketers have even stated that video content has helped increase traffic to their website, while 78% say that it directly improved sales figures. This highlights the power of video SEO and why you need to seriously consider this type of marketing strategy.
No matter whether you’re an entrepreneur, small business, or global corporation, social media is now an essential aspect of any digital marketing campaign. However, with nearly four billion people regularly using some form of social media, being able to stand out from the crowd and cut through all that noise has never been more challenging. 

Video content is now crucial in helping you to reach new customers and improve brand reputation. Yet creating those perfect videos can be incredibly challenging, particularly with social media trends changing continuously. Of course, not only are trends always changing, but every platform has different specifications when it comes to videos, which only adds another layer of complication.

Here at Video Supply, we know how tough it can be. That is why we thought we would take a closer look at the latest video advertising specs for 2022, ensuring you can maximize your results.
YouTube Ad Types
  • Sponsored cards
  • Display ads
  • Overlay ads
  • Unskippable bumper ads
  • TrueView video ads
  • In-stream TrueView ads
Make A YouTube Video
Facebook Ad Specs
  • File Type: MP4, MOV or GIF
  • Ratio: 4:5
  • Video Settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan and stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps+
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels
Make A Facebook Video
Instagram Ad Specs
  • MP4 is the best format (H.264 codec)
  • AAC audio
  • 3500 kbps bitrate
  • Maximum of 60 seconds
  • Frame rate of 30 FPS
  • Maximum 920 pixels tall
  • Maximum 1080 px wide
Make An Instagram Video
LinkedIn Ad Specs
  • MP4 is the best format (H.264 codec)
  • 75 KB – 200 MB file size
  • Between 3 seconds and 30 minutes long
  • Frame rate of 30 FPS
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9 (landscape), 1:1 (square), or 9:16 (vertical)
Make A LinkedIn Video
Twitter Ad Specs
  • Video size limit: 512 MB (async) /15 MB
  • Video resolution: 32×32, 1920x1200, 1200x1900
  • Aspect ratios: 1:2.39 – 2.39:1
  • Supported video formats: MOV and MP4 formats for mobile
Make A Twitter Video
Pinterest Ad Specs
  • Video file types: .mp4, .mov, and .m4v
  • Aspect ratios: 1:1, 2:3, or 9:16. Remember – any Pins that exceed a ratio of 2:4.2 will get cut off in users’ feeds
  • Video length: can range from 4 seconds to 15 minutes long
  • Video size: can be up to 2GB in size
Make A Pinterest Video
TikTok Ad Specs
  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16.
  • Resolution: 720 x 1280px, 640 x 640px, and 1280 x 720px.
  • Length: 5 to 60 seconds, but 9 to 15 seconds is recommended.
Make A TikTok Video

Get creating and unlock the full potential of video marketing

It's evident that there are many benefits to utilizing video marketing to build better connections with your audience and target new customers. If you need some guidance, look at our list of essential videos you need to create for your business.

You have the essential knowledge to create impressive content based on research and built to bring value to your customers. So enough waiting, get creating!
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The Ultimate Video Marketing Guide

VIDEO SUPPLY™ GUIDE — The goal of this guide is to show you the 3 proven steps you must follow to grow your business with video.

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