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Video Editing Services
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Do you need a professional video edit done quickly for any project, platform or audience?

Simply order a one-time request and within 1-5 days get a polished, branded video to publish and promote for immediate results.

If you need ongoing video editing (as an ongoing, subscription service), contact us to customize a plan for you.

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What's Included

How It Works:

  1. Submit A Request (one-time).
  2. Or, schedule a call for a subscription (retainer) service.
  3. Get Branded Drafts
  4. Request Revisions
  5. Download and Promote

What’s Included with Video Edit:

  • 3-7 Day Turnaround
  • Dedicated Editor
  • Unlimited Storage
  • Access to Free Stock Music, Graphics and Footage
  • 3-30 minutes final video length

Video Edit

When it comes to marketing your online business, you must focus on video marketing to attract new customers. Quality, engaging videos can help you generate more traffic and invite your customers to take action using story-driven and direct-response marketing strategies.

To create effective videos, you must trust a professional video editing team to ensure your content is optimized for engagement and sales. That's where Video Supply can help!

Work with our trained team of expert editors to professionally edit your best videos.

Want to talk about your project, ideas and goals first? Start with a free discovery call. 🚀

"We’re converting a 67% close rate on Echos funnel we launched this morning! Your video is a huge reason! This was just a beta launch & I didn’t have all the usual pieces but used the video & it’s driving it home. She’s clearing $30k in just a few hours of launch To ONLY her Early Bird, it hits the public Monday!"

Echo Summer Hill

Inspired Entrepreneur

“We had a HUGE launch and saw an exciting amount of traffic come to the summit landing page [and video]. Conversion rates were above 60%, and an impressive amount of users signed up for Teachable on the spot!”


Software Company

So far we've only posted one video on TikTok, just to test it out. From a brand new account, the first video got over 1600 views, 28 likes, and 13 new followers so I'd say it was a success!

Majority Strategies

Marketing Agency

$251,742 Sales — Dame Nicola partnered with Video Supply to build marketing and launch strategies to transform her suite of online products with content and video.

Nicola Smith Jackson

Success Strategic Partners LLC
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Clients Who Loved This Service

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Emily Hirsh

Generated thousands in views and sales with YouTube and Facebook Ads.
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Always Open Commerce

Video production and editing services for Steve of Always Open Commerce.
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Carnival Corporation

Video Supply built multiple video marketing and public relation campaigns reaching millions of viewers.
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Shunta Grant

Produced a full campaign of video ads, YouTube episodes and video sales letters.

Explore Featured Work

Check out all types of course content to we help build for our amazing clients — videos, emails, webinars, websites and more!

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Video Supply makes it easy to create original video content.

From one-time requests to monthly plans, our platform simplifies video production for any brand and entrepreneur around the world.