YouTube video promotion is an important part of your video marketing strategy. It’s not something you can afford to take lightly—but it’s also not something you want to spend a ton of time doing.

We get it: You have a business to run. You don’t want to spend hours on end trying to figure out how to get your video in front of the right people when there are so many other things that need your attention.

That’s why we created this step-by-step guide for getting started with YouTube video promotion. We’ll walk you through the process from beginning to end so that all you have to do is sit back and watch the views roll in!

Campaign Set-up
Step 1: New Campaign

Here's how you create a new campaign:

  • Open up your YouTube account and click "Creator Studio."
  • Click on "Video Manager."
  • On the left side of the screen, click on "Campaigns" and then "Create a New Campaign."
  • Fill out all of the required fields: name, description, and schedule (the date and time when you want your video to be published). If you want people to see it sooner, select a date that is sooner than the date you actually want it published - this will allow you to preview the video before publishing it. Then click "Create Campaign."
Step 2: Video Goal

Now that you have a video, it's time to set your goals. Do you want to build loyal subscribers

What do you want to achieve with this video? Are you trying to drive more traffic to your website? Get more people to subscribe. Increase sales? Or maybe you're looking for something else entirely.

Whatever your goal is, make sure it's clear in your mind. If it's not, how will you know how well the video promotion is working out?

It's also important to remember that there are multiple ways to measure success on YouTube. For example: if your goal is getting more traffic to your site, you can look at how many views and likes the video has received since being published. If your goal is increasing sales, you can look at how many people bought something after watching it or even just clicked on an ad or link from the video description box itself!

In order for this step to be effective, make sure that everyone involved knows what needs to be done by when—and why. The last thing anyone wants is for someone to spend hours creating graphics for something only for them not even to be used because their video got blocked from monetization before even being uploaded!

Step 3: Campaign Details

Now that you have your ad set up, it's time to add the details. There are a few things you need to include in this section:

1. First, add a description of your video and why people should watch it. Make sure that this description is short, but informative enough to get people interested.

2. Next, add your keywords and tags for the video. This will help YouTube understand what your video is about so they can show it to the right people at the right time.

3. Finally, decide on an estimated daily budget for your campaign and enter that number into the budget box on the right side of the page (or just click "Maximize"). You can also choose whether or not you want to spend more money on weekends or during peak hours if those times are more likely for people to be watching videos online (like during work hours).

Step 4: Locations

The next step in your YouTube video promotion strategy is to choose locations. In other words, where should your ads be shown? This can be a little bit tricky, but there are three main factors to consider:

1. Your target audience. Are they more likely to be on mobile or desktop? What kind of device do they use? Are they more likely to be using YouTube on their phones or computers? If you're targeting a specific demographic that's more likely to use mobile devices, then you might want to choose the option that shows your ad on cellular networks first (if there is one).

2. The location of your competitors' ads. If you're trying to reach an audience in a specific area and one or more of your competitors already has an ad running there, then you may have to choose another location that isn't as competitive—or just wait it out and hope for the best!

3. The location where people are searching for content related to yours—and where those searches lead them when they click through from Google Search results or YouTube search results (depending on what type of content creator you are). You don't want people clicking on your video.

Step 5: Bidding Technique

In this step, you'll learn how to use your account's bidding strategy to optimize for the best possible results and stay within your budget.

Bidding works by utilizing Google's AdWords auction system to determine what ad will appear above a certain keyword or phrase. YouTube uses this same auction system to determine which video will be shown at the top of your search results page when you type in a keyword related to your video.

The more competitive the keywords are, the higher the cost per click will be. You can adjust your bids accordingly so that they don't go over budget while still ensuring that your videos are displayed at the top of searches related to them.

To find out what keywords are most important for your business, use tools like Google Trends and Keyword Planner. The data provided by these tools will also help you determine which types of content viewers are searching for on YouTube: informational videos about how-to topics or entertainment content like comedy skits.

Step 6: Audience Targeting

Once you've got your video, it's time to promote it. This is where audience targeting comes in, and a promotional video production company does that.

Audience targeting allows you to narrow down the audience that will see your video when they search related keywords on YouTube. So if you're promoting a makeup tutorial, you might want to target people who are interested in beauty, makeup tutorials, and how-to videos. That way, when someone searches "how to do cat eyes," your video will show up first!

To start audience targeting, go to the left side of your Dashboard and click "Audiences." From there, click "Create an Audience." Then click "Create New Audience" at the top right of the screen and select "People who have engaged with my videos." This will allow you to target people who have watched at least half of one of your videos within 30 days before searching for something related to what you're promoting. You can then choose which keywords those viewers searched for on YouTube or watch the video itself if they've watched any part of it.

Step 7: Ad Placement

Now that you've got your video, it's time to make sure that it gets seen! We're going to do this by placing ads on YouTube.

We'll start by setting up your account with the YouTube partner program. To do this, click "My Account" in the top-right corner of the screen and choose "Creator Studio." Once there, click "Sign Up for Free" under "Partnerships" on the left-hand side. Follow the prompts and fill out any information that you don't have handy—it shouldn't take more than a minute or two!

Once you've signed up for partnerships, go back to Creator Studio and click on "Ads & Monetization." This will bring up your ad placement options. You can choose from either automatic placements or manual placements (which we'll talk about below).

Automatic placements are great because they let you sit back and watch as your video is automatically placed in front of thousands of potential viewers who are watching similar videos on YouTube. This means that you'll get lots of views without having to lift a finger.

Video Setup

In this section, we will go over the steps to setting up your video.

Step 1: Upload Your Video

Upload your video to YouTube and make sure it's public. You can do this by going to "Video Manager" and selecting "Upload Video."

Step 2: Set Your Video as Unlisted or Private

The first step to promoting your video is to set it as unlisted or private. This will prevent other people from seeing your video until you promote it. To do this, go to "Video Manager" and select "Change Permissions." Then select “Unlisted” or “Private” as the privacy setting for your video.

Step 3: Add a Description and Tags

Your description is what describes your video in detail so that people can find it when they search for it on YouTube. It should be at least 100 characters long and include keywords that describe your content so that viewers can easily find it when searching for similar videos on the platform. You can also add tags at the end of this text box to further categorize your content into specific topics that viewers might search for if they want more information about those topics from other users like yourself!

Now that your video ad has run, it's time to gather, gauge, and analyze its effectiveness. You'll be able to scale your video advertising and distribution efforts and provide a higher return on your investment once you have access to this information. Alternatively, you can also hire affordable video production services to help you create fascinating high-converting video contents.

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