Are you an entrepreneur, agency or company ready to master video marketing — to inspire your customers to consistently buy your products and services?
Join Video Supply PRO to learn expert skills, build marketing confidence, and get access to all the training and tools you need to easily create and market all your videos like a true pro and grow your business!
Dallin Nead is the Founder of Video Supply Co. He's an entrepreneur, marketer, podcaster, course creator, filmmaker, father. He helps entrepreneurs and businesses create authentic, results-driven media so they can share their message and vision with the world. He helps brands clarify, create, and communicate their vision for a happier, more meaningful life, business, and community.
He consults with small and large companies including Princess Cruises, U.S. Marine Corp., Teachable, Run Like Clockwork, Culture Add Labs, and many others.
Grow your YouTube channel with expert insights and strategies guaranteed to make you the top expert in your industry!
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and through it, you can reach so many people with your knowledge. In this workshop, I walk you through all the steps you need to take to grow your YouTube channel and make it successful.
Let's be honest, growing a YouTube channel is hard work.
It takes hours and hours of effort, lots of planning, and study in order to be successful, but in exchange for all of your blood, sweat, and tears, you will be rewarded with influence and impact that can change lives and grow brands. One thing I often hear people say is that they want to grow their YouTube channel but are clueless as to how to do it. I wanted to take an opportunity to share some tips and strategies that’ve worked well for all of our clients.
Don't let the overwhelm and confusion of how to grow on YouTube, stop you from getting started (or moving forward).
When done right, a successful YouTube channel can help you grow an audience, launch a new business, generate an income and even change your life.
You don't need millions of subscribers or views to do it—just a little guidance. And that's why we're here! We want to help you start and grow your own YouTube channel, so you can get more views and make more money doing what you love: making videos!
During this workshop training, you’ll learn:
Due to popular demand, Dallin and Video Supply are opening up spots for an upgraded YouTube marketing agency service to help you launch, grow, and monetize a YouTube channel.
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Grow your YouTube channel workshop by Video Supply, I am Dallin Nead your host today. And now let's dive right in. So first off, raise your hand if you are ready to finally grow your business with a YouTube channel that brings in new leads and sells every single day. And you want to trust a YouTube marketing agency who can do it all for you. So this sounds like you, you are in the right place. YouTube is where your business needs to be. YouTube has over 1 billion users and quickly growing. It's a search engine. And whether you have 10 subscribers or 10 million subscribers, you can still build awareness, attract leads and generate cells with YouTube. And it's never too late to join and to focus on building and growing and scaling your YouTube channel. But guess what, it's not always easy without a done for you strategy, production, marketing services. Everything you need, it's going to cost you your YouTube channel will not grow, you won't maximize internet search ranking to easily get discovered online. While other platforms only have a 24 hour shelf life with your content, you'll have to always DIY everything from planning, filming, editing, and publishing and optimizing you won't be able to build a predictable lead generation machine, you'll miss out on authority building opportunities. And you'll wonder if you'll ever escape the marketing hamster wheel of trying to chase down lead after lead and sale after sale. So here are the benefits of YouTube of marketing your business on YouTube, you'll have a fully optimized and growing YouTube channel. When you focus on YouTube. That means that people will find you on Google search on YouTube search, you'll be able to establish authority and a community and engage community online you'll have a consistent content creation and lead generation machine where you are showing up every day where you may not be necessarily showing up every day because you may batch content create in advance, but your business yourself your content will be showing up and YouTube will be installed as a foundational part of your marketing strategy. You'll have a profitable connection with your audience. And you'll get discovered and maximize internet search ranking like we've mentioned. So these are just some of the many benefits of focusing on YouTube and your marketing efforts. So in this quick workshop, here's what you're gonna learn you're gonna learn how to choose the right YouTube strategy. establish goals and focus on the people the audience of who you're serving with your content. You'll know how to make a channel that's worth other people's time, you'll learn how to leverage the algorithm SEO and storytelling, you'll be able to easily generate great topics titles and thumbnails that increases views, subscribers leads and sells plus you'll get an exclusive discount and access to video supplies YouTube marketing services. So when it comes to YouTube, anyone can be successful any niche any industry whether you are as big as probably the biggest YouTuber out there, Mr. Beast with entertainment style content, or you're more of a software company where there's not necessarily a clear face to the business, you have a lot of users and customers who are the face a company like teachable, so anyone can start a YouTube channel. And what you need to start and grow your YouTube channel is first a clear purpose, the gear the people that you serve, and a system or process in order to consistently create new content. But there are three big roadblocks stopping brands like you from using YouTube to grow your business. And the first roadblock is mindset. So let me know if any of these sound like you, whether you create the videos of yourself or you support members of your team to do so. Maybe you think that no one wants to hear what we have to say what I have to say, Do I really need million subscribers to be successful on YouTube? Or video won't work for me I only get a few views and likes on videos. Do I really have to do elaborate stunts and ideas and entertainment style videos to actually get results and build a massive following or I have no idea what to say to attract customers. I freak out as soon as I hit record wondering if my hair looks good? And will people even care what I have to say or I feel more like an imposter than I do an expert or I don't have time for video creation. Do any of these sound familiar? First off with your mindset you can quickly fix that by having an accountability partner in place. You can work with an expert team at video supply to do all the thinking and implementation for you. So you don't have to have all of those thoughts come your way because you can hand off all of the work for you so your business can grow with YouTube. Plus, you can choose the right YouTube strategy goal and audience to give you that confidence that, hey, those roadblocks are not going to be roadblocks anymore. They're going to be enablers. They're going to empower me in my business. To use YouTube the right way to do that you need to establish what your goal is with YouTube. Simply put, what does success look like on YouTube for you and your business? I invite you to type that out. Write that down. Think about what that looks like for you. Is it to sell a certain product or service in a bigger way? Is it to monetize your knowledge and your content online with ad revenue that you can generate through you to is it to expand your affiliate marketing efforts, through selling them on YouTube, whatever it may be, is it to build a community who can believe in your mission, as much as you do? Get clear on what that success looks like? So that way, you can measure it along each step of the way, as you measure the metrics that are important for you to which we'll talk about also consider your audience, the people that you are crafting your messages for, who are the people in the community that you're building? Who is your audience who's going to watch your videos, the more deeply you can understand who those people are, the better you can create videos that are for them. The next roadblock is technology. When it comes to technology, you may often say do I need fancy video gear because it's way too expensive, or the YouTube algorithm and the tech and software required to do a right is far too complicated. Or video editing is a waste of my time or my team's time. I don't have the right apps or know how or team to do it for me to do it. For my company, you're in good company, there is a solution solution technologies that first off, remind yourself, you don't have to worry about gear, many people use their phone or webcam because the quality on those cameras is insane. It's so good. And oftentimes people care more about what you have to say and how you're going to help them versus how you look or the quality of your visual. Of course editing and storytelling and other key aspects and strategies with YouTube is important for how you go to create an approach for video creation. But sometimes the simplest video with the right message can can perform much better than the most cinematic Hollywood style video out there. And you simply need a recurring day and time to film videos, with only thinking about what you'll need to say, versus what equipment you'll need to use what technology you need in place. The idea here is that we get that setup for you whether you record yourself or you work with our video supply crews anywhere in the world, we have crews and team members in every single major city around the world. And you can do a video production on site in your home office, in your office office, wherever it may be or some other studio. And a key part to improve your YouTube marketing is to establish a clear process with people behind that process. So first off the process. This is going to help you improve how quickly and easily your business creates YouTube videos. So you'll need a step by step process for how to plan create and publish YouTube videos. This looks like creating a checklist so anyone can come in and learn what your process is, and help implement it for you. So they'll use different software or automations for project management, storage, maybe scheduling those YouTube videos, and more. Of course, YouTube studio is the software that YouTube provides, which makes it honestly pretty easy and great to schedule YouTube videos in advance, and then people so you'll need humans to help create the videos from start to finish using the process that's in place. So from the phase before you hit record, that is the planning phase to then the production phase or the creation phase when you are the process of filming and editing the videos to then the optimization and publishing of those videos. Every step that process counts. And in this process, you need to consider YouTube SEO. So this improves your search ranking. And this is how you optimize your videos. One key area to focus on is the file name, including keywords that you want to rank for and your video file name before you actually upload it to YouTube is important because YouTube and Google will read that data and then your video title, including SEO rich keywords in your titles. They should be at least five words long. That way people when they go to type it into Google or search wherever it may be. It can show up first for them. And they in return discover you and your business. You also want to focus on descriptions so your video descriptions are essential for SEO treat your descriptions like a mini blog article so Google can index the keywords and then tags when a customer As your tags for niche keywords that are relevant to each video topic, of course, you're going to have Blinky keywords that relate to your industry or products and services, your business, but you want to have very specific relevant keywords to each video topic and each video title that you create. And then you want to have playlists in place where you use keyword rich playlist names to give YouTube a better knowledge of what videos are available on your channel. And, and I recommend creating a YouTube playlist when you have at least 10 videos to include in that playlist. And then engagement. So this is where you encourage shares, likes, comments and other ways to increase interactions with your video content. YouTube loves when people stay on their platform and interact with it. You also want to consider the YouTube algorithm beyond the SEO that we just talked about. And that includes the analytics, the metrics that YouTube cares about, and measures the quality of your video by so first video retention. This is how much of your video that people actually watch. The longer they watch, the better it is for the algorithm. And then comments. When your video gets comments. It shows Google and YouTube that your video is valuable to its users. And in return, of course, your audience, you also want to focus on your subscriber rate. When you don't publish videos consistently on your channel, then your subscribers your audience will honestly forget that you kind of exist as a business as a channel. And so that will hurt you in the long run. So the more people that subscribe to your channel, the more YouTube recognizes the quality of your videos in your channel, and then the watch later feature. This is a big one that I personally use. And this simply means that the more people that add your video or videos to their watch later list, the better because it's them bookmarking or saving that and Google tracks that information. So that way they know Hey, again, this channel these videos are a value to our users roadblock. Number three is your space your environment where you go to film your videos. Oftentimes, this becomes a roadblock because you've convinced yourself or even your team, that your home if you work from home or your office space is not video friendly at all. No matter what your office space or just the place you work looks like. You may feel like it doesn't represent your brand and look and feel whatever that may be that will stop you from hitting record from your phone, your webcam, any kind of camera, your space is going to impact your ability to film and create video content by way of a solution. Video supply helps you design and build a recording studio from your home or your office. So it's easy to record new videos at any time. Video supply does offer on site video production services from anywhere in the world. And so we do the production for you. But if you see that you can DIY the filming of your youtube content, then we guide you on that process to make sure that gets done in the most professional way possible at the easiest way possible. So that way, in a matter of seconds, you can push click a few buttons and you have your light your audio and your camera recording you ready for a message or recording a team member whatever it may be. To help with this, it's important to focus on storytelling. If you feel like your products or services are too boring for a good story, then try this out. Here's a few ideas. First feature your community do collaborations interview customers feature case studies and allow other people to share the story about their experience with your business. Use thought leadership, host expert interviews and events and do Q and A's to share knowledge with your products and services being just one feature of the valuable info that has been shared. Plus focus on video editing. Yes, it's time consuming. But when you work with a trusted editing team to take a seemingly dull video and package it into a creative story to share, then that changes the your ability to tell a compelling story. It's a complete game changer. Also have a plan in place. Know what it looks like to script and plan out the words you'll say and the shots that you'll get before you even hit record. So that way you can be confident in the value that you're providing in your youtube content. Okay, so all this to say anyone, especially you and your business can be successful on YouTube. The hard way though, of being successful on YouTube is DIY and everything doing it all yourself trying to figure out hey, what team members do I need? What process do I need in place? What software and tools should I use? What does all this look like? How can I be accountable to not just myself but to someone else to my audience to my community. The easy way is getting all of that done for you with experts in the YouTube space, introducing video supplies YouTube marketing service. Here's what's included with our agency service. You get professionally created videos, YouTube clips, so for YouTube shorts, which can of course be repurposed as in Stream reels and tick tock videos or even Twitter and Pinterest videos, and then optimize thumbnails. Plus, you will get a custom brand and channel growth strategy specific to your business and your industry your niche, as well as expert consulting. So our team will meet with you on a recurring basis, at least once a month to guide you on a review of metrics and ways to improve your video performance, new topics and ways to optimize videos so that way more and more people find them and watch them. Plus, in regards to the process side will help with easy workflows and templates to make it as easy as possible to see the progress of each YouTube video that's been created for YouTube channel and your business also ability to approve each of the videos and content that is going through this workflow. Plus, you'll get in depth reporting, not just from YouTube analytics, but also what our team contributes to show how your YouTube channel is growing over time and how it's helping you make money. Plus with people we become your dedicated team of YouTube experts, as well as accountability partners to make sure that you are showing up you are filming the content that we tell you to film with outlines and other information we share to tell you exactly what to say as well as you contribute. As a subject matter expert and so much more, you can go to Video forward slash YouTube to learn more about everything you get with our YouTube marketing services. And in order to invest in a YouTube marketing service to grow your business. On YouTube with YouTube, we find that most agencies charge anywhere from 8000 to well over $20,000 per month to help you manage and edit and publish an optimized YouTube channel. Sure, some companies can afford that and they do they pay for that right. But we wanted to offer a more affordable and scalable solution for you to allow you to show up on YouTube consistently on a daily basis to generate more leads more sales. here just a few comments and testimonials from some of our clients in their experience with our video marketing for their business, whether it's teachable software company or click funnels, another software company or a coaching business like trading, travel or invest with Terry or another coaching consulting business with caution scratcher we're an E commerce brand with Madison braids, we have all helped them generate hundreds of 1000s of views, impressions, engagement, as well as millions and sells with our YouTube and video marketing strategies. So when you invest with video supply, here's what it looks like. It's very simple and transparent pricing. So our most popular pricing is the growth plan. And that is 5000 per month where you get two YouTube videos per week with eight YouTube shorts per week. So that equals at least one video every single day, publishing optimized and bringing in new viewers, new leads and new cells into your business. But if you're looking for more I started plan that our start plan is for one YouTube video per week at $3,000. Plus, you get four YouTube shorts per week that are of course formatted for Tiktok Instagram rails, Pinterest, Twitter, all the other platforms. And we're doing all of the research, the topic research, the title research, the scripting, the outlining, all the editing, and publishing and optimizing for you in order for you to truly grow your business on YouTube. And then our scale program that is $7,000 a month but you are getting three long form YouTube videos every single week optimized for YouTube plus 12 YouTube shorts per week. Keep in mind, our grow and scale plans are for unlimited brands. So maybe those three YouTube videos and those 12 YouTube shorts may be for one or more YouTube channels or businesses that you may have. So that is what our pricing is. And in order to grow your YouTube channel, it's very easy with video supply, simply go to where you can sign up for our YouTube service, you can schedule a consultation if you want to customize a plan that fits best for your type of business, and your goals and your marketing or there's an option to simply subscribe right away, which means you are paying for this monthly service you immediately can book your kickoff YouTube launch strategy call provide all of the information we need about your business. And then within a week, you have new YouTube content that's consistently going out to your audience and then you're growing your business on YouTube. And because you are a viewer of this workshop, we're giving an exclusive 10% off discount for your first month of service with the YouTube marketing services. So simply at checkout, use the word All caps workshop and you'll be able to get a 10% off discount of your YouTube marketing service. Let me show you a quick demo of our platform. So when you do go to Video forward slash YouTube, you're able to sign up for a free account on our software. This is where you can place orders, customize your brand profile and provide all your brand assets and information and track the progress of each video any each asset that you need for your YouTube growth. So when you go to subscribe, you're able to track and get all the information you need from our business inside of your brand profile. So again, to subscribe to your YouTube marketing monthly service, go to and use code workshop at checkout for 10% off your first month of service. Thanks for watching this workshop. I hope you found some value and started to implement some of these ideas and insights that do work for YouTube growth and we look forward to working with you with our YouTube marketing agency service.
February 19, 2021
August 29, 2022
May 1, 2023
Join hundreds of the world’s top brands in trusting Video Supply's video production services to help them grow their business. It's easy to get started — schedule a call and order from our marketplace.